I'm having a flash-back to portals when they first jumped over the firewall onto corporate intranets circa 1999.
Technology: Business Widgets
Everywhere you look, you see widgets: Netvibes, Pageflakes, Google, and Microsoft—even Apple has gone widget-crazy. But are they useful in a business context? (Hint: Yes, but there's a catch.)
Source: Business Widgets
Web Office Widgets and Intranet Dashboards
On my ZDNet blog last night I took a look at the evolving world of Web Office widgets. I noted that the personalized start page Pageflakes has just introduced a couple of new office "flakes" - a Calendar Flake and a Notepad Flake. They also have an existing Mail Flake, as well as flakes for Writely and iRows. Netvibes, Webwag and others also have similar offerings. Is this a sign that we'll soon see a widget office suite!? That may sound odd at first, but when you think about it - componentized web apps are potentially very useful on a company Intranet.
nice post...
a bit old, but its nice to remmeber how it was not so long ago.
Posted by: Comment System | May 17, 2011 at 06:55 AM