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March 29, 2007


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Udai Shekawat

Can you send me an invite? Thanks.

stephen londergan

Can I have an invite?

Mike Gotta

For those requesting invitations to the beta - that offer was posted on the source site of the information:


Unfortunately I do not have any IDs to pass along.

Ben Koopman

Please send me an invite. Thanks!

Ben Bauermeister

Mike - have you ever played with JamJar (Adobe/Flex/Flash demo)? I would love to catch your impressions of it. Full disclosure: I worked on that project a year ago.



To anyone with interest in Tahiti:
Please keep an eye on http://codenametahiti.com in mid April for updates on the public beta. Also use the MS Discussion forum to send feedback and suggestions, here: http://forums.microsoft.com/codenametahiti/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=1335&SiteID=53

-Cameron (Tahiti Lead Program Manager)

Sebastien Rousset

Can you send me an invite? Thanks in advance.

JF Ruiz

I absolutely need an invite ;)

David Winet

I would love an invite to Tahiti.. I do tons of online classes and Tahiti would be a great tool I think..


send an invite this way if you can

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