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May 03, 2007


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Great post Mike!

Especially relevant for me since I am working on a project within a large corporate where the topic has been raised and will no doubt soon make its impact felt more forcefully.

The one point I'd like to make is that you have overlooked an important aspect in the arguement on the side of Collective Intelligence. This is that the "workforce" in many cases these days have access to as much knowledge as many managers (to be found on the web and through sharing) and possibly a better understanding of the practical implications at the rock face, than many managers do. Often (but not always) they are in a better position to make decisions. I believe this is one of the main aspects of Collective Intelligence as it is applied in the Enterprise. I don't think I caught this in your commentary? Furthermore, this is fundamental to a devolved organisation which is an important factor in the organisation of the future in my view. Just a thought...

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