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June 19, 2007


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doug cornelius

I agree that SharePoint is light in the features department for E2.0. The compelling aspect is the integration of its tools into the intranet platform, allowing for easier deployment of the tools.

I find the biggest hole to be the lack of feed aggregation. Both Attensa and Newsgator seem to fill that hole quite nicely.

This was my take on the presentation: http://kmspace.blogspot.com/2007/06/e20-amplify-impact-of-your-people.html

Sandy Kemsley

I think that talking so much about the specifics of the Microsoft product was inappropriate for a keynote: we expect to have a little more thought leadership exhibited during these sessions, and save the vendor pitches for the breakout sessions where we have a choice of what to attend. My notes on this session at http://column2.com/2007/06/enterprise-20-derek-burney/

Mike Gotta

Doug - SharePoint has become much more of a platform that a product. But I think you need to carefully assess the modularity, extensibility and the ability to replace components of the platform with other components. You also need to look at the level of coupling (loose vs. high) between SharePoint and other Microsoft technologies. If you take an architected approach and the platform meets requirements, it can be a compelling choice. But there is a high need for proper due diligence because the commitment an organization makes to MOSS 2007 will be one that will be difficult to move away from down the road.

Mike Gotta

Sandy - agree overall - not just Microsoft though - I thought most of the vendor sessions (save the one by SAP) was aligned to product and current marketing messages.

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