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July 09, 2007


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Roger Matus

I agree that a "A Secure Cloud Is A Good Cloud" -- with an emphasis on the word cloud.

I have talked to many potential customers about outsourcing email archiving and electronic discovery. While they love the idea of screening inbound mail, I tend to hear two major objections to corporate email outsourcing:

1. It is dangerous to let a third party hold your most confidential email. If the third party receives a subpoena for your mail, would they fight the request on your behalf when they have nothing to gain by fighting? Or, would they cooperate to protect their interests? (In the case of suspected terrorist-related activity, it may even be illegal under the Patriot Act for them to tell you of the search for your email.)

2. The amount of bandwidth required to send internal mail to an outsourced provider is enormous. Companies like Postini can easily archive external mail. The Google/Postini match is ideal for companies that host their mail systems with Google. But, large companies with their own email systems cannot afford the Internet costs for shipping that much mail.

Since I do not see customers willingly handing over their internal email crown jewels, I have to wonder if all of this activity is being driven by people in love with the outsourced business model -- not the customer.

In fairness, I should report that I am the CEO of InBoxer, an email archiving and electronic discovery vendor.

Blog: http://www.deathbyemail.com

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