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August 12, 2007


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alex de jong

I think this is missing the point: in my experience most users simply don't use services like flickr or youtube to "broadcast", they use them to narrowcast and filter: twitter is a case in point: while it is true that messages can be sent and received in a multitude of ways, I reckon most people's primary network on twitter is that of their friends and followers and not the public timeline. That tweets can be on the public timeline is the same as people using their cellphones in public.


Actually, I do think the article is right, I was on some site a couple of days ago which said that < .5 percent of YouTube users are actually uploading content and that the rest just come to download... if people were truly broadcasters and not just viewers then those numbers would be much closer to equal like maybe 70%/30% [the numbers could be even higher if people were truly uploaders and not just viewers ... I made it 70/30 by taking into account the fact that most users can't figure out how to upload content, but if they could, they should be more even yet like but they just aren't....]

No matter what, I tried out that Quickeo software, pretty good either way you consider yourself... an uploader or a viewer



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