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March 15, 2008


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Lawrence Liu

We (the SharePoint team) understand feed syndication just fine, which is why we have RSS feeds for practically everything in SharePoint, and the feeds are easily configurable by the end user if necessary. SharePoint also has a built-in RSS Viewer web part to consume RSS feeds. As for feed aggregation, management, and sharing, we were hoping that the Exchange team would build that, but they had other priorities. NewsGator has been and will continue to be an excellent partner for us in this area.


James Dellow

Mike - I'm trying to help get enterprise feed syndication on the radar by organising an Enterprise RSS Day of Action... see http://enterpriserssdayofaction.wikispaces.com/

Mike Gotta

James - it looks like a solid effort. While we tend to focus on the tools (blogs, wikis, tags/bookmarks) - the underlying feed syndication platform pulls it all together. It is a critical middleware decision - perhaps the most important one out of all the various Web 2.0/E2.0 tools.

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