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May 30, 2008


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Nice summary Mike.

I do strongly believe that if the folks at Jive execute on their vision, they would indeed be sporting a solid Social Computing stack (minus features like ECM and seamless integration with other more established Communication tools)



The only thing that I would point out is that Sharepoint’s value really isn’t in the Blog, Wiki, or any other single element (Web Part) of the environment. The greatest value is the ability to combine the various elements into an application that can adapt and vary based on the needs of the organization. If you want a wiki or a blog then SharePoint will disappoint you. But if you want to integrate a Blog or Wiki into a solution environment then the other tools will take you down a long road.


Mike -- The partner ecosystem philosophy is really a key component of SharePoint's go-to-market. In addition to that, SP is truly a development environment that enables partners, like us with NewsGator Social Sites, to solve business problems in unique ways compared to the approaches the mega-platforms will be able to do. We're combining our RSS heritage with social metadata to expand on SharePoint's built-in capabilities.

A structural problem that I think Lotus has is that many IT organizations are not trying to add more complexity to their environments -- adding DB2, Tivoli, etc to an IT organization that knows SQL Server, AD, etc is a hard pill to swallow. This goes both ways, of course.


Adrian Spender

Ashley, whilst you make an interesting point your specific example is somewhat defeated by the fact that Lotus Connections supports both MS SQL Server as a database and Active Directory for an enterprise directory.

Adrian Spender

Sorry, I should add the fact that I work for IBM and on Lotus Connections. End of disclaimer.


@Adrian -- Hi there! That's only part of the argument, however. The fact that MSFT has approached SharePoint as a platform is significant in that SharePoint enables customers and partners to innovate on top of it.


@Ashley. Can you actually explain what you mean by this? Are you saying Sharepoint requires customization, and doesn't work out of the box? How is it different from Connection's ability to behave as a platform and leverage open standards, such as REST?


Am I missing something or how did social software tools etc. separate themselves from the comcept of a "portal" Ex. IBM Connections versus this functionality and capability inherently part of IBM Websphere Portal?

luis benitez


Looks like NewsGator is now hiring a Lotus Connections developer. Guess you can develop on the Lotus Connections platform after all ;).

Now, if you truly want a platform, why not start with WebSphere Portal which integrates out-of-the-box with Lotus Connections and which has thousands of partner built solutions out there ??

Sharepoint, in my opinion, like WebSphere Portal, is not social software out of the box.. but we can built social software capabilities by add-ons (such as Lotus Connections).

In my experience, however, customers want solutions that work out-of-the-box with very little customization needed.

SharePoint Samson

i agree with luiz when he says cutomers want out of the box solutions, especially smaller customers, who really do not have the need for the amount of customization that big firms need. both connections and SP are huge implementation products. the functionality that smaller companies really need (doc management with versioning etc), intranet/extranet portals with some amount of customization, forums, polls etc are provided by web based solutions (for example hyperoffice), and all they need is a sign up and have a "push button" near instant setup.

Jordan Frank

The Battle Continues: SharePoint and Connections vs. Enterprise 2.0 suites.

In a tough economic climate which coincides with broad acceptance of emerging "2.0" technology, it's becoming clear that this is the time when companies will choose to do more, with Enterprise 2.0 suites, for less.



I'm now talking from an end user perspective only. From the usability point of view, have you tried using Lotus Notes? Have you tried using Outlook or Outlook Express?
From a junior developer point of view, have you tried adding an app to Lotus Notes, have you tried to add an app to Outlook?
Have you tried to do a web part for SharePoint? have you tried to add to Connections?
In my case, I would say Microsoft has the advantage. It is inexpensive, has a fairly big open source community on CodePlex (has grown quite a bit over time) and has tons of documentation, code camps, forums. Try the same for any IBM product and the best you can get is 1/2 hour of the time of an 150 dollars an hour consultant.
imho, Lotus Notes is a dying dinosaur and the only reason why it's still alive is because its main customers are in the financial sector, and big financial companies are not precisely agile and easy to change. Poor users...


Is there an updated version of the same comparison with the latest offering of both IBM and Sharepoint?

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