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July 18, 2008


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Gregg Eldred

Mike: I usually don't advertise the books that I am currently reading for review, but in this case, I'll make an exception. :-)


I think that you would get a lot of value out of this book, especially since it does an excellent job of explaining the population and the use of social media. I am learning quite a bit from it (a review will be coming in the next few days).

Mike Gotta

Great minds think alike - it's sits here on my desk being saved for reading when I go on vacation in a few weeks...


Just to inform you that there was a typo in the report the WSJ got (and they are now recognizing on their website). It is only 6% of the businesses that spent more than $1m (and not 60%). This doesn't change the fact that most community initiatives fail though...


Take a look at Konnects.com, we offer a community section that takes no time to setup. the community peice offers tons of tools and applications that help you expand and grow. You could be up and running in the matter of minutes. www.konnects.com

Mike Gotta

Ben, thanks for the correction! (Finally getting around to fixing it) And you are right - in my experience, most fail before they are even launched.

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