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August 27, 2008


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Will Flavell

Good Morning Mike,

Great posts. Seems like you are writing a lot today on the Cisco WebEx Connect partner program. They are really trying to build project and document management in. They must be looking at a variety of Saas-model services right now.

I was wondering if you had heard about a new Saas-model document storage and collaboration tool called DocLanding, http://www.doclanding.com. I think that you would really like it. It is geared towards small businesses. It offers some cool security and sharing features.
It is also HIPPA and SEC complaint, so users can easily share sensitive documents.
It has on-the-fly document viewing, so you can see files, without having their programs.
Check out a free account for up to 256MB.

Thanks and keep up the great posts.

Certififed Cisco Trainer

Thnx for this great effort :)

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