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January 12, 2009


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Brian Kellner

Quite an interesting series of posts lately, Mike - thanks for bringing this discussion together.

Many years ago, I took a class at Stanford called "Working Smarther Through Precision Questioning". In the class, we learned to assess statements based on things like was it worth dealing with, what were the inherent assumptions, and what were the definitions.

So the whole discussion around "enterprise 2.0" definition is important because it leads to totally different outcomes. That said, the outcomes are almost always more important than the definitions.

Andrew has a great definition, but clearly the part about "interactions are globally visible" would actually be better worded "interactions are visible at the widest possible scope". I'm sure your chats with companies in Germany have surfaced this issue as a top priority.

But if companies get caught up on the idea that "enterprise 2.0" inherently means "global visibility of interaction", then clearly they risk missing out on the many possible beneficial outcomes.

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