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March 07, 2009


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Mike you sir are doing a fantastic job posting some provocative thoughts on the disruptive elements and implications of twitter-like tools and their intersection with unified communications.

It's going to be fun times both as a vendor ( I'm partial to innovative smaller ones ) and for more 'enlightened' customers.


Excellent thoughts, certainly. Lots of alternatives exist, including Brosix Enterprise Messaging and other smaller companies.

Jacques Pavlenyi

You said: "What if Avaya and Cisco added "click to call", "click to conference" and presence capabilities to enterprise social messaging tools? What if social messaging tools have real-time collaborative options for sharing screens, or whiteboards?"

IBM already does much of what you're asking of Cisco and Avaya, whether through our integration of (on premise software) Lotus Sametime, Lotus Quickr and Lotus Connections, or as a cloud service via LotusLive (http://www.lotuslive.com). Happy to detail this with you if you're interested, just send me an e-mail.

Mike Gotta

Jacques - you're kidding me. Sametime is not a social messaging tool. It's a classic IM/UC tool. Yes, all corporate IM clients are adding telephony and conferencing integration but that's hardly the point of social messaging and the evolution of IM due to Twitter.

So IBM does not come close to what I'm talking about here - and neither does Microsoft.

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