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August 06, 2009


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Luis Benitez

Mike, glad you found my widgets. To clarify on the Twitter widget... I think you were looking at the Twitter widget for Notes (https://greenhouse.lotus.com/plugins/plugincatalog.nsf/assetDetails.xsp?action=editDocument&documentId=D5FB072AB065B820852575B000051B2C) as opposed to the Twitter widget for Lotus Connections ( https://greenhouse.lotus.com/plugins/plugincatalog.nsf/assetDetails.xsp?action=editDocument&documentId=135E250864D1D8A7852576020075CB2E ). My widgets do not store any personal information or user credentials. The credentials are given directly to the server and Lotus Connections never sees them. The code is open so any developer can verify this :D.

Hope this helps.

software test consultant

This is great, I am quite religious about my privacy, I know companies choose to keep our info so they can gather info on us and be better at marketing and I don't want to be a part of that, really. Thank you so much for the link! :)

Comment System

i actually tried the system that pnyxe offers for free, and its realy good...

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