A variety of iWidget widgets available in the catalog - after you read the 5900+ word licensing agreement - it's pretty straight-forward. But I'm looking for a statement of direction on OpenSocial.
Also, in the Twitter widget -I read this, "When prompted provide your Twitter account information.This will be stored into Notes account preferences and will be a one time setting." Which leads to a question - will people be comfortable providing their employer/enterprise applications with personal passwords for accounts they use on a personal basis? What happens if the Twiiter account is hacked - does the employer bear some risk if the passwords are vulnerable (not managed as peers with enterprise passwords). More questions rattling around in my head than benefits...
Do you like the widgets that are available on Lotus Connections in the Greenhouse, like the Facebook, Flickr, MySpace and Twitter widgets? Want to deploy them on your own servers?? Now you can!
Lotus Connections iWidgets are available on the Lotus Greenhouse catalog for download. To download these and other exciting extensions to Lotus and WebSphere Portal products, simply visit the Business Solutions catalog in Lotus Greenhouse --> http://greenhouse.lotus.com/catalog
After accepting the license agreement, anyone can download the widgets and deploy them in their own Lotus Connections environment.
Mike, glad you found my widgets. To clarify on the Twitter widget... I think you were looking at the Twitter widget for Notes (https://greenhouse.lotus.com/plugins/plugincatalog.nsf/assetDetails.xsp?action=editDocument&documentId=D5FB072AB065B820852575B000051B2C) as opposed to the Twitter widget for Lotus Connections ( https://greenhouse.lotus.com/plugins/plugincatalog.nsf/assetDetails.xsp?action=editDocument&documentId=135E250864D1D8A7852576020075CB2E ). My widgets do not store any personal information or user credentials. The credentials are given directly to the server and Lotus Connections never sees them. The code is open so any developer can verify this :D.
Hope this helps.
Posted by: Luis Benitez | August 07, 2009 at 09:12 AM
This is great, I am quite religious about my privacy, I know companies choose to keep our info so they can gather info on us and be better at marketing and I don't want to be a part of that, really. Thank you so much for the link! :)
Posted by: software test consultant | November 17, 2010 at 10:38 AM
i actually tried the system that pnyxe offers for free, and its realy good...
Posted by: Comment System | May 17, 2011 at 06:51 AM