Notes from Venky Veeraraghavan's presentation, forgive the typos!
- Session objective: understand technical architecture and planning required to deploy
- MySite personal portal
- Social feedback
- People and expertise search
- MySite has 3 out of box pages ... expect people to rename pages to make them their own
- Shows stream of comments on Note Board and activities re: tracking people and tags
- Activity feed is very extensible stream ... can track items coming form within SharePoint but you can build connectors to include other sources
- Will talk about mining Outlook later
- Shows Silverlight org chart browser
- Pages: My Network (was in 2003, removed in 2007 now back?), My Profile (was in 2003), My Content (was in 2007) (own personal site collection, you are the administrator of your own site), My <foo>
- Site Collections: MySIte Host (centrally managed), My Site
- Web App: My Web Application
- Service Application Proxies: EMM (meta data). UPA, Search
- New for SP2010, web part, Atom 2.0 feed
- Consolidated: activities from everything I track (inbound)
- Published: my activities (outbound)
- Should be able to export atom feed for other feed readers
- Need to consider performance implications of feeds
- Architecture: two databases: social data (note feedback, social bookmarks, social tagging) profile database (profile properties, membership colleagues etc). "Gatherer" job scoops up data and sends to feed table to scale ... simple select all items I track ... then API to inject into feed store ... you can write gatherers that collect data from sources you think are interesting and then stick into feed - set to 1 hour timer
- Note: permission models! What are the ACLs around the feed elements so that right people see only permissions items in consolidated feed. Also true for "My Activity" stream - how to wrapper what is sent outbound.
- Extensibility requires some key points to know: Activity Application (say CRM), Activity Type (say New Meeting) and then an Activity Template "<person> has scheduled a meeting with <customer> on <details> for user experience.
- Activity Event: "Mike has scheduled a meeting with Company ABC on DD, MM, YY" is displayed
- Considering whether you can "friend" a gatherer if I heard it right...
- Consumption API is an Atom 2.0 feed
- Goal of 2000 RPS current at 500-700 with activity, 2100 without activity RPS = requests per second
- Central picture library
- Resided three ways (for use in SP 32x32, use in AD and client apps 48x48 and for profile page 96x96)
- Controls needed for photos due to legal and risk concerns (e.g., harassment)
- Picture picker, supports policies, can replace with other picker
- Sync up to AD, supports write-back if configured
- Outlook and OCS use Pictures in AD
- Note: really, really, need to plan for privacy
- Top issue: Picture usage: consent, opt-in, corporate policy
- Top Issue: Activity feeds: who follows me and possible need for two-way consent
- Helps categorize, annotate, promote and help retrieval of relevant links
- Applies to any URL inside or outside of SP with bookmarklet
- Independent of write-permissions
- Primary way or promoting documents and web pages to news feed
- Basic level 3 tuple: Person, URL, Feedback
- Note: still need permission controls around sources being tagged/bookmarked as well as tags/bookmarks - not sure enough security was discussed and therefore not sure if it is in there
- Note: biggest barrier: not enough intranets have rich native web content