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October 18, 2010


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Larry Hawes

I agree that it would be very useful to follow another individual from a range of enterprise applications, not just social collaboration tools and suites. Perhaps the easiest way to implement that functionality would be by embedding profile cards that pop up when a person's name is moused over. That model seems to work well within diverse enterprise social software suites and should be extensible to other enterprise applications as well. Plus it would provide a consistent user experience across all enterprise computing assets.

cheap air yeezy

Romance is seeking perfection, love is forgiving faults!

Fabio Lalli

Hello James.

some time ago I wrote a post titled "If you follow joins the company" which will carry the link http://fabiolalli.com/2010/05/21/se-il-follow-entra-in-azienda/ .

At that time (among other things when we met if I remember correctly) I was developing a system of I2.0 for a company, as to become a product.

I remember that most of the attention was focused on the concept of a colleague Following in effect. Two years have passed and today I read your post and makes me smile especially when you say it is symptomatic of the fact that we are still at an experimental stage.

Let me know what you think :) Thank you

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