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January 01, 2012


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Alan Lepofsky

Hi Mike. I've been doing a lot of research on this for a report on activity streams. I agree with your observations above. There are big vendors working on stream aggregation as well as startups such as http://bottlenose.com/. I'd love to chat with you about this in more detail.

Martin Böhringer

Thanks for this article! I agree that activitystrea.ms has still a long way to go. In fact, industry support for it seems to slow down. Therefore Hojoki, our new startup which has launched 4 weeks ago, goes the way of using proprietary APIs to aggregate activities. Our own data model bases on activitystrea.ms. I would say that Hojoki supports your level 4 scenario for teams using our supported apps (Dropbox, Google Docs...). See http://hojoki.com

Social Designer

Thank you for the detailed information on activity streams. Doing research on best practices and found your blog.

**Martin, loving the design for hojoki.com ...award wining for certain.
Checking out both sites now.


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