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January 24, 2011


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DMOZ Listing

In IT development is necessary and updation is also must.We always see that new versions or new updation of any software,tool or project comes fastly . Sometimes it raise problem like we created our project in old version of tool and then in new version sometime project can not run.So IT deployment is both Good and Bad also.

Maria Helm

Your comments about considering business culture/buy-in/adoption really resonated with me. I had to learn the hard way, after many projects, that this was an important part of the planning process, not a given. Just because a new technology is easier, more secure, and produced better results - that doesn't guarantee that end users will actually USE it. It turns out that humans are driven by emotion, and often use reasoning to support the decisions they've made via emotion. In other words, convincing them that it is a BETTER technology often fails...you have to convince them that they LIKE using it. Sometimes that is by making it look as much like the old process as possible, sometimes that might involve detailed user interaction during the planning process...or any number of other things, depending on the porject, the culture, the users. But the sooner you grasp this, the less heartache you'll go through over projects which failed for - apparently - no reason other than people failed to use them.

christian briggs

Hi Mike,

Thanks for such a thoughtful take on this. I particularly appreciate your point that time, money and resources need to be factored into such efforts early. This of course, means that leadership needs to be pretty well-versed in the potential benefits of adoption early as well.

In our research and work with organizations so far, we've found that the simple-looking nature of these tools ("Hey, it's like Facebook for work. Teens use Facebook. How hard could it be?") tends to mask the social/emotional complexity of using them in the enterprise.

As a result, we have found it necessary to address three different aspects of IT adoption when it comes to social software: the purpose (organizational strategy and structures), the tools (finding software that fits), and the most overlooked, but perhaps most important one: the people (the digital fluencies and relationships that the people have).

Importantly, we've found that fluency (comfort and high level of skill) with things like email, etc. does not automatically translate to fluency with things like internal collaboration tools.

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